Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. A lot has been going on. I've been spending time with family, working on the house, and working on cleaning and organizing all of my craft stuff! The craft stuff alone is a crazy feat to try to accomplish!

Not including the like 4-5 30 gallon totes full of yarn...

And all of the odds and ends that need to find their own little space to be in...

I have a 50 gallon tote overflowing with finished projects that need to find homes!

My cousin visited and I pushed off on her; a knit hat, fingerless gloves (that is the only item that I had actually made specifically for HER), 2 owl magnets, 3 angel magnets, and 2 knit balls!

The tote is still overflowing... and I probably need to take pictures of a bunch of it and add them to my etsy account.

I have also been trying to find small simple projects to bust my yarn stash with. I ended up making and listing 20 iPod cozies in less than 3 days! There is still so much yarn left... They didn't take up very much of it.

I am really trying to condense my craft stuff. I know it is probably going to take forever, but I have a goal to get it finished by the end of June (hopefully at the very latest). I hope I can maybe post some pictures of the progress along the way, but Idk if that's going to happen or not =P.

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