Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mario Goes Baby

Both my sister and my cousin asked me to transform my Mario mushroom purses into diaper bags. They are both getting ready to have their first child. My sister, due 2 days before Christmas. My cousin, due sometime in January.
 It's roughly 13 inches wide, 11 inches tall, and 4 inches deep.

 I haven't made the liner for it yet. I'm planning on putting some pockets in it as well. I'm really proud of this! Hoping to make some more once the holidays are over.

 I tried to make the handle where they could either hang it off their shoulder, or put it across their chest without too much trouble.

 I am trying something a little different and making my sister a pixel designed baby blanket also! Perhaps we shall see some more versions of this on my etsy page soon!

It's only about halfway finished right now, and I'm planning on putting a colorful border on it as well. I can't wait to post the finished piece when it's done!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Local Vampires

 So, I finally finished my friend's birthday presents! I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Cullen!

It took me over a year to make these, because I wanted them to be perfect for her. Bella is in her blue satin dress and silver heels she wears when she is first changed. She is also sporting the red eyes of a newly born vampire. Both have sparkling skin like they are in eternal sunshine.

 They really enjoy running through the woods and hanging out in trees. 

 Edward, with his telltale golden eyes of the Cullen family. Looking all suave in his gray coat and copper colored hair.

I made Bella a little busty! Lol! I was watching a lot of anime when I made her, and knew my friend would get a kick out of it! Plus, the books say she is extraordinarily beautiful, and I'm sure Bella wouldn't mind the change either.

I work at Walmart, and gave my friend these at work. She loved showing them off, and it was so funny watching her try to hide Bella while still showing her off! She didn't think she was very appropriate for customers to view! Lol!

Even though I had a blast making them, they are and will remain one of a kind. I hope to perhaps make some smaller versions to put in my etsy shop, but this one and only Bella will have the actual satin dress. The fabric is way too hard to work with in this small of a scale!