Wednesday, September 14, 2011

W.I.P. Day 1

Ok. So I am going to try to do a daily journal on my crochet work. It probably won't be an actual DAILY journal, and the stuff in it will probably be from the day before, but it will be W.I.P. and progress photos of my stuff!

On to the show!

Beginning of the day Sept. 13. Here's what I started with. Vincent Valentine. Needs his head wrap sewn on, his hair fixed, a new left arm (because I scrapped how I was originally going to make it), buckles on his cape, and an arm band around his right hand.

Here he is,  at the end of the day. His hair is fixed, head wrap sewn on, and old left arm removed. What is not shown that was worked on is all the buckles and his clawed hand, which were undergoing several coats of paint and sealant. Now, off to the next project of the day!

 What could this be? In all it's measly eight rowed yellowness?

A Mario mushroom baby blanket! But, the color of the mushroom is still not able to be determined at this juncture... Perhaps there will be some clarity on the next progress day. On to project #3.

 Now this little guy  doesn't have a before shot... unless you want to see a picture of a ball of yarn. He is a secret. Let's see if anyone can figure out what he's going to be as the progress goes on eh?
With day 1 finished, and this being a day behind real life, I can tell you that the next W.I.P. will be much more eventful! =D

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