Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mario Goes Baby

Both my sister and my cousin asked me to transform my Mario mushroom purses into diaper bags. They are both getting ready to have their first child. My sister, due 2 days before Christmas. My cousin, due sometime in January.
 It's roughly 13 inches wide, 11 inches tall, and 4 inches deep.

 I haven't made the liner for it yet. I'm planning on putting some pockets in it as well. I'm really proud of this! Hoping to make some more once the holidays are over.

 I tried to make the handle where they could either hang it off their shoulder, or put it across their chest without too much trouble.

 I am trying something a little different and making my sister a pixel designed baby blanket also! Perhaps we shall see some more versions of this on my etsy page soon!

It's only about halfway finished right now, and I'm planning on putting a colorful border on it as well. I can't wait to post the finished piece when it's done!


  1. These are amazing! I've made a ton of amigurumi mario mushrooms for friends and family.

  2. Hey there, I love your blog. I know that this post is older, but I wanted to try and get in touch with you anyway.

    I wanted to ask if you had a pattern for the 1up blanket that you posted here (half-done).

